MS. Tibet. b. 21
Younghusband Expedition Collection
The Instruction on Mahāmūdra
NOTE: This record has yet to be fully checked.
This may be by Padma dKar po but it is not clear. It is a bKa' brgyud pa meditation instruction on Mahāmūdra practice written (perhaps as a scribe) by 'Phrin las bKra shis rGya mtsho in 'Brug Ra lung, in presence or probably for 'Brug pa rin po che Ngag gi dBang phyug and Ngag dbang Nor bu.
Incipit: na mo gu ru/_na mo ma hA mu tra ya/_de yang phyag rgya chen po'i 'khrid kyis skabs su/ mthun mong gis mngon 'gro la/_'khrid kyis mngon 'gro dang /_thun kyi mngon 'gro 2 su yod pa las/_logs su gsal bar byas la/_mthun mong ma yin pa'i sngon 'gro la mi yo 3 ldan zhes pa'o//_dbyen 3 zhes pa'o// rang babs rnams 3 zhes 'byung ba ltar/
Explicit: bka' rgyud gong ma'i gsung gis bdud rtsi'i rgyun rang bab bzhugs/_ma'i rang zhal mngon byed pa'i/_zab mo'i zhal gyis gdams par yod pa'i tshe/_mi dbang yum sras gzhed pa bskang phyir phul/_zhes lcags pho stag gis lo/_dol bkra shis rnam rgyal du phyag rgya chen po'i lhan 1 skyes sbyor gyis 'khrid rtsug pa'i tshe/_ngag rgyun 'khyer bde ba 1 dgos gsung pa 4in/_thugs kyis dran pa gso ba'i phyir du bris pa shu b+haM//_ces pa 'di dpal ra lung gis yang dben spos skya bzim khang du/ 'brug pa rin po che ngag gi dbang phyug dang /_dpal ngag dbang nor bu zhes pa/ dpal ldan na ro paN chen gyis zhabs drung du/_bdag 'phrin las bkra shi rgyam mtsho 'i thebs pa lags so//_dge'o//_bkra shis so//
Language(s): Tibetan
Physical Description
Form: ms_pothi
Support: Paper
Extent: 4 ff
Dimensions (leaf): 80 × 480 cm.
Dimensions (written): 55 × 460 cm.
dbu med (black ink)
There is yellow cloth label on the left end of title page with the label, phyag rgya chen po'i khrid yig bzhugs so / 3 /
Provenance and Acquisition
S.C. 33638, 33732. 25 Sept. 1905, donation by the Government of India.
Bodleian: Special Collections Reading Room.