MS. Tibet. b. 22 (R)
Younghusband Expedition Collection
The sūtra of Golden Light
NOTE: This record has yet to be fully checked.
Incipit: rgya gar skad du /_Ar+ya su bar+Na pra b+ha sa ud ta ma sU tra en drA ra dza na ma ma hA ya na sU tra/_bod skad du/_'phags pa gser 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po'i rgyal po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/_'das pa dang ma byon pa dang de ltar byung ba'i sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpa' dang / rang sangs rgyas dang 'phags pa nyan thos thams cad la phyag 'tshal lo/ /
Explicit: lha ma yin dang /_dri zar bcas pa'i 'jig rten yid rangs te/_bcom ldan 'das kyis gsungs pa la mngon par bstod do////_'phags pa gser 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po'i rgyal po las/_'jug bsdus kyi le'u zhes bya ste/_nyi shu rtsa brgyad pa'o////_'phags pa gser 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po'i rgyal po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo rdzogs s+ho// //
Colophon: rgya gar gyi mkhan po dzi na mi tra dang shi la en tra bo d+hi dang /_zhu chen gyi lo tsa ba ban d+he ye shes sde s zhus te skad sar gcad kyis kyang bcos nas tan la phab pa'o//
Language(s): Tibetan
Derge: 0557
Peking: 0176
Physical Description
Form: roll
Support: Paper
Extent: 325 ff
Dimensions (leaf): 150 × 390 cm.
Dimensions (written): 100 × 340 cm.
Foliation: The book has the volume marker ka
dbu can (black ink)
The verso of the first folio is written in gold on black background and has line designs on the left and right sides of the panel. The wood block cover is old and ornately carved with a figure of Vajrapani on the right and an unknown figure on the left. The cover has been sawed on the right so it seems to have belonged to another longer book originally.
Provenance and Acquisition
S.C. 33639, 33733. 25 Sept. 1905, donation by the Government of India.
Bodleian: Special Collections Reading Room.