A catalogue of Tibetan Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries

MS. Tibet. b. 24.11 (R)

Younghusband Expedition Collection

A ritual chanting used for prolongating a Bla ma's life


NOTE: This record has yet to be fully checked.

The title on the title page is mistaken. This is not a commentary on The Thirty Verses. The text is a ritual liturgy written in beautiful verses. It is the song sung by the celestial dākinis supplicating the bla ma to leave Tibet and come over to their wonderful celestial realm. However, it ends with the verses stating that the bla ma has to stay in Tibet for the welfare of the sentient beings. The dākinis take his effigy as a substitute.

Incipit: (Ka) kyai : rigs bzang lha'i bstun mo khyod : nged mkha' 'gro rnams la tshur bsan dang : khyod bod kyi yul las sdug pa med : nged mkha' 'gro'i yul las dga' ba med : mkha' 'gro'i yul las skyid pa med : ye shes dbyings kyi pho brang nas : 'ja' mtshon gur phug ling si lings : gnyis med mkha' ltar dag pa'i pho brang nas : me tog char bab si li li : mi mngon dbyings kyi pho brang nas : gser gyi lding khang ldem se ldem :
Explicit: 'khor ba'i skyon gyi yongs ma gos : bstan pa yun rings bsrungs pa'i phyir : khyed kyi bka' bzhin sgrub par bgyid : kyai sems can kun gyis mgon gyur bla ma rje : o rgyan mkha' spyod gnas su mi 'byon par : bod yul 'gro ba sems can don byed phyir : sku rten mthong ba kun grol 'di bzhengs la : bu slob sems can don du bod 'dir bzhugs : bu slob rnam dang 'gro ba sems can thams cad kyi don du lo brgya'i bar du bzhugs par dam bca'o :
Colophon: 1v1
Language(s): Tibetan

Physical Description

Form: roll
Support: Paper
Extent: 4 ff
Dimensions (leaf): 60 × 355 cm.
Dimensions (written): 40 × 25 cm.





dbu med (black ink)

Additions: The text has 7 sub-sections marked by alphabets Ka-Ja in red ink


Provenance and Acquisition

S.C. 33641, 33735. 25 Sept. 1905, donation by the Government of India.


Bodleian: Special Collections Reading Room.
