A catalogue of Tibetan Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries

MS. Tibet. b. 24.12 (R)

Younghusband Expedition Collection

A brief liturgy for consecration


NOTE: This record has yet to be fully checked.

There is also a floating and torn leaf from a liturgy of wrathful guru.

Incipit: oM svasti/_rab gnas bsdus pa bya bar 'dod na/_bum pa gcig tu dri lnga/_mngar gsum zho /_'brus can/_'bru snag/_'bras yos sman sna/_rin chen rnams zhib tu btags pa dang chu gsum gnyis gang /_mgul 'ching ser po/_gzung thag rdo rje/_me long la dri bzang g+hi hang sbyar ba'i ye rd+har sbrul lugs du bris pa gos zung dkar po/_bgegs gtor gzhi ba gtor ma/_chu gnyis nyer spyod rnams dang yi dam gang yin gyi mchod gtor/
Explicit: sngags mchod dang bstod pa dang bas 'dod ma dang /_phyag byar 'os pa bya/_gzhi bdag gtor ma bsngo/_yig brgya brje/_bsngo ba smon lam shes brjod/_yi dam gyis 'jug mchog sogs spyi 'gro ltar bya dgos/_bdag bskyed 'jig byed yin na/_'khyer bde nyung ngu bsdus pa 'di b+hikShu ma&+dzu sgo Sha kir+tis bgyis pa dge legs 'phel//_bkra shis//_dge'o//_1 zhus //
Language(s): Tibetan

Physical Description

Form: roll
Support: Paper
Extent: 4 ff
Dimensions (leaf): 80 × 380 cm.
Dimensions (written): 45 × 360 cm.





dbu med (black ink)


Provenance and Acquisition

S.C. 33641, 33735. 25 Sept. 1905, donation by the Government of India.


Bodleian: Special Collections Reading Room.