MS. Tibet. b. 24.15 (R)
Younghusband Expedition Collection
Ritual for subjugation of evil rgyal po spirits through Gu ru Drag po practice
NOTE: This record has yet to be fully checked.
Incipit: bskal pa dus kyi mtha' ma la : dam nyams sngags btsun brlang snying can : phal cher log pa'i smon lam mthus : dam sri rgyal 'gong 'byung por skye :
Explicit: de phyir ma 'ongs don ceh dus : bka' rgyas thob nas gter du sbos : pyong spying spying : rgya rgya rgya : 'gro 'dul gter bdag gling pa s bying mda' o dkar brag nas spyan drangs pa'o//_bkra shis//
Language(s): Tibetan
Physical Description
Form: roll
Support: Paper
Extent: 4 ff
Dimensions (leaf): 75 × 350 cm.
Dimensions (written): 50 × 310 cm.
dbu med (black ink)
Provenance and Acquisition
S.C. 33641, 33735. 25 Sept. 1905, donation by the Government of India.
Bodleian: Special Collections Reading Room.