A catalogue of Tibetan Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries

MS. Tibet. b. 24.6 (R)

Younghusband Expedition Collection

The supplication to the lineage for the Gu ru drag po ritual


NOTE: This record has yet to be fully checked.

Incipit: khyab bdag gdod ma'i mgon po 'od mi 'gyur//_brtse chen thugs rje'i dbang phyug spyan ras gzigs//_rgyal kun ngo bo pad+ma 'byung gnas la//_gsol ba 'debs so dngos grub rnam gnyis rtsol//_bde chen ye shes bskyed mdzad mkhar chen bza' //_'jig rten mig gcig lo chen bai ro 'i zhabs//_zab gter sgo 'byed 'gyur med rdo rje la//
Explicit: don gnyis lhun grub dbang drag dkyil 'khor lha'i//_go 'phang sngon du 'gyur bar byin gyis brlobs//_ces lam 'di la rnal 'byor du mdzad pa dge slong shes rab bzang po s bskul ba las snyoms las pa 'gyur med rdo rje s bris pa'o//_mang+ga laM//
Language(s): Tibetan

Physical Description

Form: roll
Support: Paper
Extent: 2 ff
Dimensions (leaf): 70 × 355 cm.
Dimensions (written): 50 × 310 cm.





dbu med (black ink)


Provenance and Acquisition

S.C. 33641, 33735. 25 Sept. 1905, donation by the Government of India.


Bodleian: Special Collections Reading Room.