MS. Tibet. b. 25 (R)
Younghusband Expedition Collection
The benefits of the biography of Avalokiteshavara
NOTE: This record has yet to be fully checked.
Incipit: oM ma Ni pad+me huM/_sang g+ha ke ru na mo huM//_ma g.yos ma bcos ka dag chos kyi sku //_ma bsam ma 'gag lhun 'grub longs spyod rdzogs//_thugs rje ma 'gag gzhan don sprul skur byon//_mtshungs med drin can chos kyi rje la 'dud //_rang don mchog gyur sku gsum mngon du gyur//_gzhan don 'gag med 'phrin las thog pa med//_don gnyis lhun grub mi nub rgyal mtshan 'dzin //_bstan pa'i mnga' bdag chos kyi rje la 'dud//
Explicit: chos 'di ni de tshe gang na yang spel ma sbyong ba'i chos yin gsung nas/_nam mkha' la 'ja' yal ba bzhin du gshegs so//_bdag ni chad zin/_gnyis sad pa bzhin tham me thom me gcig/_rid sin sku bzhugs pa'i dus su/_smon lam btab kyang ma dran/_gsung ba'i chos rnams brjed dog yid la bzung /_yid ...//
Language(s): Tibetan
Physical Description
Form: roll
Support: Paper
Extent: 153 ff
Dimensions (leaf): 110 × 430 cm.
Dimensions (written): 65 × 380 cm.
Foliation: The book has the volume marker ka
dbu can (black/red ink)
Provenance and Acquisition
S.C. 33642, 33736. 25 Sept. 1905, donation by the Government of India.
Bodleian: Special Collections Reading Room.
- Srong-btsan-sgam-po, King of Tibet, 617-647
- Ma ṇi bkaʾ ʾbum