A catalogue of Tibetan Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries

MS. Tibet. a. 13 (R)

Younghusband Expedition Collection

The volume Nga of the Sher phyin from Shel dkar bKa' 'gyur


NOTE: This record has yet to be fully checked.

Incipit: shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag nyi shu lnga pa/_glegs bam bzhi pa//_bam po dang po/_byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po/_de ni gzugs la mkhas par rig par bya'o//_byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po de ni /_tshor ba dang /_'du shes dang /_'du byed dang /_rnam par shes pa la mkhas par rig par bya'o//
Explicit: shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag nyi shu lnga pa las/_yongs su gtad pa'i le'u zhes bya ste/_bdun bcu rtsa drug pa'o////_phyogs bcu'i mtha' yas mu med pa'i 'jig rten gyi khams kyi/_sangs rgyas dang /_byang chub sems dpa' dang /_nyan thos dang /_rang sangs rgyas dang /_'das pa dang /_ma byong pa dang /_da ltar byung ba thams cad kyi yum/_'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag nyi shu lnga pa//_rdzogs so//_oM ye d+har ma ... ye svA hA//_mang+ga laM b+ha vantu//
Language(s): Tibetan


Derge: 0009
Peking: 0731

Physical Description

Form: roll
Support: Paper
Extent: 316 ff
Dimensions (leaf): 220 × 640 cm.
Dimensions (written): 130 × 530 cm.
Foliation: The book has the volume marker nga




The paper is black in colour


dbu can

The text is written in gold


Provenance and Acquisition

S.C. 33627, 33721. 25 Sept. 1905, donation by the Government of India. (Donated with mss. a.12, a.14 & a.15). Came with a slip signed by L. A. Waddell dated 22/4/1904.


Bodleian: Special Collections Reading Room.