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- Contents:
- A brief liturgy for consecration
- Contents:
- The quintessential practice manual for Vajrapani Drang song Loktri
- Contents:
- The liturgy of subduing the eight non-human spirits through Gu ru Drag po practice
- Contents:
- Ritual for subjugation of evil rgyal po spirits through Gu ru Drag po practice
- Contents:
- Ritual liturgy for the Khrag 'thung Padma Drag po practice
- Contents:
- Liturgy for the gtor ma offering to Dam chen
- Contents:
- The liturgy for empowerment to invoke blessings from wrathful Padmasambhava
- Contents:
- Liturgy for empowerment
- Contents:
- Liturgy for exorcism
- Contents:
- The liturgy for exorcism through the practice of Gu ru Drag po
- Contents:
- The wrathful offering of homa
- Contents:
- The historical accounts of the Gu ru Drag po practice
- Contents:
- The manual for the recitation of mantras of Avalokiteśvara
- Contents:
- The practice of Vajrapani in Garuda form
- Contents:
- The benefits of the biography of Avalokiteshavara
- Contents:
- The writings of Kun spangs Chos kyi Rin chen
- Contents:
- A short liturgy for making Tshogs offering
- Contents:
- Mantra expositions
- Contents:
- Astrological tables